Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

Contact Name: Halle Harklau

Company/Organization/Agency: Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

Address: 1949 E Main St, Richmond, Vermont 05477 USA

Email Address:

Contact Phone: (802) 858-5631

Job Title: Pro Trails and Build (carpentry) Positions

Job Description: Come spend your summer and fall in beautiful Vermont! Vermont Youth Conservation Corps is hiring for our Pro Crews, Trails and Build (carpentry).

Pro Crew Members and Leaders complete projects that are challenging, technical, and yield high quality results. Every VYCC crew is a combination of work and learning but, for Pro Crews, the focus is on the work and helping members build a foundational skillset in the specialized areas. For this season, our Pro Build crew will work on the construction of a 4-season, off-grid backcountry hut at Grout Pond—measuring and cutting lumber, framing walls, using pneumatic tools, and high fiving from a distance. Our Pro Trails crew will be completing work on the Appalachian Trail that includes building stone staircases, rock drains, tread work, and more. 

At the end of the day, for most projects, crews will have two options: camp at a VYCC designated campsite near the project or go home for the night. Some projects might require camping based on their location and accessibility.

Pro Crews have specific qualifications for Members and Leaders. Check out the position descriptions to learn about prerequisite skills ( All Pro Crew Leaders must be at least 21 and all Pro Crew Members must be at least 18.

Dates: June through October
Schedule: 8 days on, 4 days off, repeated throughout season
Compensation: $500/week for Member, $560 – 585/week for Leader
Positions are filled on a rolling basis, apply before May 17th.

How to Apply:
Please visit our website for more information and to fill out an application (

Job Start Date: 6/14/2021

Application Deadline: 5/17/2021

Additional Information: